Donna Martini
"When we help others rise, we rise with them."
"The more we lay fault and blame, the more things will stay the same."
"No one can ever simultaneously be a victim and a victor."
"Refuse to grow old. Instead, grow potential."
"Build someone up or knock them down; it's all in the way we decide to swing that hammer."
"We can prevent a quarrel with love more effectively than we can fight one with hate."
"Pushing out love from our hearts is easy.
It's pushing out judgment from our minds that is the issue."
"Love is the only sovereignty worth pursuing; the only shield worth wearing."
"Yes, there is strength in numbers, but when in doubt that we each can single-heartedly have a positive impact on the world, we need to remember that one is a number too."
Go angrily against what we don't want or move lovingly toward what we do want... What makes more sense?
One Activist with One Goal:
Steering Our Country toward the Road to Wellness!
Contributor LI News Radio: Your Island
Donna has had two of her own radio shows. Now you can catch her Live on Your Island with Tom Schiliro discussing politics from her wellness perspective. Fridays: 1 to 2pm EST

Blog Articles
Thousands of words written over the years captured on Donna's old blog. Check it out here on her old website,.

Daily posts, live videos, and an opportunity to chat and share with Donna directly on her personal FB page: https://www.facebook.com/donna.martini.7 or connect on
MantraMouse, My Mini Book of Mighty Mantras, or One Nation's Heart

Owner DM Enterprises, LLC;
Wellness Contractor
Before Donna became a full-time coach, she was a successful contractor and then sales and marketing executive in the construction industry. She brings all of her work experience and knowledge to her clients with this full-spectrum wellness company.

The Ten Commandments
of Divorce
Donna's first book detailing how to leave your marriage without breaking up your family. Buy it here on Amazon.

Public Speaking/
Everything Wellness
Considering our humanness covers four different aspects of life--physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual--there is a lot for Donna to talk about! With over 28 years of research, education, and experience to offer, she is excited to share what she has learned. Click here to book her.

Producing and Directing
One Nation's Heart was Donna's first Music Video production, but she has been writing, producing, and directing PSAs and other short films since 2012.

50 Most Influential Women in Business
With over 38 years of industry experience and volunteer work, 7 years as a Nassau County Planning Commissioner, two of her own radio shows, author of 2 books, creator of 8 websites, and a strong desire to bend over backwards for her constituents and her country, Donna was proud to accept her title as one of Long Island's 50 most influential women in business, 2013

Read Donna's articles in this wellness-minded publication, which has been bringing awareness to the masses for over 3 decades. Archives

Creator of
Donna teaches the art of Positive Manipulation®, which is a trademark phrase she has given to the process of managing our physical, mental, and emotional energy so we can stay as spiritually connected as our human selves will allow. Read more about PM® in the About the Book section on the My Mini Books page. Click here for the definition.

Songwriting and Producing
Songwriting is Donna's passion! She has written and co-written songs to help share the wellness message. Hear a few below on this page!

Call on me: My first attempt at writing music culminated into this Christian Rock song, co-written with JD Leonard and Michael Jewel. It is about making choices we regret and the need to call on our Higher Power to help get us out. My hope was that AA members would be inspired by it. As it turned out, many people feel it gives them strength.
Back to Life: Christopher Allan and I have a special relationship when it comes to writing music. This is a song we wrote together about heroine addiction. Our hope is to use it in a music video I have written that will help young people stay off drugs.
Open Hearts: This is the music Christopher and I wrote based on only a simple melody I played on my piano. He is so talented! It is the rough version of a soundtrack to the screenplay I am writing called "The Good, the bad, and the ugly." It is a divorce triology that exeplifies the ups, downs, and tragedies that an ugly divorce can create.
Facebook Live: Some Daily Mantras
Recent Radio Podcasts:
Interviews with Donna Martini
Visit on Social Media
"My next few words are for those who may be in the hour of need due to any situation that stops you from clarity in life. I have been immensely supported by Donna in alignment with my 'Truth' when I needed it the most. She has been instrumental in guiding me to the perfect state of mind, not just to ask the most important questions, but also to seek the required answers. If only words could actually convey the feelings I have as I could keep going on about her prompt help in my hour of need. Donna may you continue to help and guide many more people.
A big thank you to you from me!"