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Whether you want to purchase books and other merchandise, get involved in the

movement, book Donna, or just say hello, we are excited to hear from you!

And we really want to help you! Let us know why you are reaching out in the subject line: 

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© 2019 Donna Martini. All rights reserved.

MantraMouse® is a Registered Trademark Character and the intellectual property of Donna Martini of DM Enterprises, LLC

All Cartoons and books © 2018, © 2019 are designed, written, and created by Donna Martini

DM Enterprises, LLC is solely owned by Donna Martini and is a for-profit company, although she uses the profits obtained from her speaking events and the sale of MantraMouse® posters, merchandise, and books to fund the production, promotion, and implementation of school and workplace wellness programs, educational workshops and seminars, videos, short films and public awareness videos, music, books, cartoons, websites, radio, merchandise and book giveaways, and social media ads. Her goal is to help implement school and workplace wellness programs which promote personal responsibility, healthy environment and lifestyle practices, love, compassion, tolerance, goodness, forgiveness, and the unity of human spirit. 

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