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About MantraMouse®

MantraMouse is a peace activist and the mascot to the My Mini Book Series written by wellness coach Donna Martini. With a big heart and unassuming demeanor, MantraMouse spreads the message of love, helping readers develop positive mindsets as they take personal responsibility for their thoughts, emotions, and energy. As one of the earth's smallest creatures, the mouse reminds us of how truly miniature we are in comparison to the vastness of our world and universe. And our MantraMouse has an additional reminder to offer: The little things we think, do, and say will absolutely have an effect on every minute of our day! So it is important to use our minds to empower us on our journey. As we quiet our loud voice, we can employ our small voice, which always seems to know the best way for us to go.  


The MantraMouse character helps us stay mindful of the seemingly small but necessary steps we need to take in order to reach our goals. If we want to attain the big things in life, we sometimes have to stay focused on the little things. If we want to create great change in our future, we have to take the time to address the tiny details of our past and present moments.  

Small gestures can produce enormous results, and MantraMouse’s daily challenges show us that we don’t need to walk in fear of what is bigger than we are. Power and might exist, not in our stature, but in our minds and hearts. We carry everything we need with us wherever we are and wherever we go. There should be no worries about what we can’t accomplish because, in reality, there are no goals that are too big; there’s only ambition that is too small. 


MantraMouse appears in cartoons which promote the need to take personal responsibility for the daily life situations we find ourselves in. They teach the importance of maintaining positive thoughts and emotions, wellness for our bodies, and awareness of the power we have to determine our own life paths. They remind us of the energy of emotion we share with one another, and they implore us to keep focused on love, peace, unity, forgiveness, compassion, and tolerance. These cartoons are part of a series highlighting a process called Positive Manipulation®: a self-help technique which helps users maintain their highest and most positive level of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual energy. This is an innate process we already know how to employ, but stress often leads us away from our power. PM (Positive Manipulation) helps us get back to positive power--every moment we need it and every time we ask for it! 


In order to share the MantraMouse message with as many people as possible, many of the cartoons are being offered free of charge to schools, non-profits, government agencies, and religious entities for use as posters to hang in school hallways and classrooms, lunchrooms, and wherever appropriate. Anyone wishing to share the message of love with their friends, business, school, place of worship, non-profit endeavor, or personally with their family and friends is encouraged to contact Donna Martini at DM Enterprises, LLC. Businesses can purchase various MantraMouse books and merchandise with their name and company logo imprinted to use as a wellness program for their employees or as a marketing tool/giveaway. By purchasing and handing out books and other merchandise to their employees, clients, or favorite NFPs, corporations will be aligning themselves with a positive message which will potentially help generate more spiritual unity in their sphere of influence.   


In addition, all proceeds of MantraMouse products are being used to fund more offerings, such as wellness programs, videos, seminars, speaking tours, and free books, services, and products for schools and NFPs. Contact Donna Martini at DM Enterprises, LLC for more information on rights of use and quantity discounts, to schedule a speaking engagement or wellness seminar, and for non-profit donation opportunities for My Mini Book of Mighty Mantras, the My Mini Coloring Book and Reader, as well as all related merchandise.

About BoH™


BoH may be short for Bluebird of Happiness but this bird is not short on personality! Associated with the season of spring and new beginnings, the bluebird is our reminder that every day is anew day! It offers the potential to renew and restore ourselves, our perception, our goals, and the direction we are heading in. Happiness, BoH believes, is a decision. It is not something we need to look or wait for; we have it within us and already know the emotion, intrinsically. After all, if it wasn't part of our being, how would we know what it feels like to not be happy? 


While traveling on the wellness journey with MantraMouse, BoH brings light and carefree energy to every ordinary day. Always together in the My Mini Book of Mighty Mantras Coloring Book, the two set out to seek fun and adventure as they use Positive Manipulation to help their bodies and their minds' grow forward, each and every new day.


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