As a person who grew up with dyslexia and some other neurological misconnections, I had to invent ways to trick my brain so I could stay connected to and focused on tasks. Unbeknownst to me, my survival techniques helped me reach many goals.
By the time I was in my 20's I was attracting what I wanted and not thinking twice about it. But as an older adult, that process slowed down quite a bit! Life happened, and I don't have to tell you how tragedy, drama, and trauma changes a person. So, I became distracted by what was imbalanced in my persona and my life instead of concentrating on what I wanted my life to be.
Now, as I live and learn and am taught more and more each day about energy, I completely understand what my childlike innocence was achieving, and I am making the decision to grow forward with a restored attitude.
Because of my recent past and successes, I can say to you with certainty, there is a Law of Distraction; meaning, we will never realize what we can't visualize; we will never receive what we can't perceive, and we will never obtain a dream we can't mentally sustain.
Today, let's recognize all we may be doing to keep our dreams at bay! Let's retrain ourselves to concentrate on what we want our lives to be and then allow ourselves to feel what it is to be already living it. When we do this, it will readily become our reality.